Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello blogger I am back. Sitting in this same computer chair. In the same cozy perching position. With my wet hair. And out of season pajamas. Yes, I realize putting periods in the middle of my sentences do not make them more interesting...and yet....(maybe it's my A.D.D XP) 
Well then my little children are you excited to listen to me drone on and on about shit you probably don't care about and probably could do better without knowing? :D Good. Because I really don't give a shit and I'm actually talking to myself right now.
Right now I searched 'yullen' on photobucket(which is much cleaner and actually has good art unlike 85% of Deviant art) and I found a bunch of amazingly adorable pictures n_n Good thing I locked my folders....I have yaoi in my anime pics folder now and It'd take too long to explain that to my family ha ha! My brother already knows I'm a yaoi fangirl though. He's like..(Cue deep voice that he really doesn't have):"Wtf Marie why are you into that stuff I thought you were better than that! That's gross bla bla!" but really what's the big deal! Equal rights man equal rights! Here's a pic for you to stare at.

It's not too fluffy but I still like it :D It's more on the 'hinting s&m' side though >_> *does not like s&m whatsoever* The one thing about this pic though is that I like it better when Allen and Kanda are either getting along or all out attacking eachother! (I know Kanda would never actually hurt Allen though, he loves him to much <3) and this pic is just so boring it's like they might as well be dead lol. Allen hates me for treating them like toys hah! But it's not my fault I'm a yaoi fangirl ;) Deal with it bro.
I'm learning how to play 'You' from Higurashi no Naku koro ni. It wasn't really featured in the actual anime but it was played at the end of the game.
 Heres Kaito singing it for you
<---you like? :3 I bet Sami does. And Len. Ohhh yesss that was a yaoi reference<3

The actual version that I will be playing on guitar is more of a classical fingerpicking technique that's hard to get down at first but I'm patient. 

I think I should be getting ready for school now haha but I'm lazy =_=. Mommy Sami will get mad at me D: kk
Bye Bye

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

>Rambling< My first blog

Ok so I guess the whole blog thing is bound to become an obsession of mine, seeing that I love writing out the INNER MACHINATIONS OF MY MIND (*cough cough* Totally not a spongebob reference) and I wake up at 3am so that gives me pleeenty of time to waste and fuck around n_n Ester and Sami are the only humans I really know that read these things occasionally I think so I guess I don't need to curb my language either. Fuck yeah seaking I'm free!!! To Narnia!
I've pretty much been listening to this nico nico medley all's like they took all my favorite songs from video games/animes and smashed em together in one huge orgy that just /happens/ to have Len and Kaito in the front ;) Cheers to the brave brave brave men in the front right corner who are wearing maid outfits. Kanpai! Is it strange that I wake up at 3am. I think I should stop it seeing that it's a bad habit and contributes to my insomnia/nightmares/bounciness/overall fuck upedness <--My new word. (fuk-up-ed-nes).
I've been looking for a new fandom to join. I looked into kuroshijutsi. It's pretty popular with the yaoi fans but it might get boring over time :T hm..
A good song I found last night is Uninstall. There you go I posted it<3 Pretty much just about Kaito going on a psycho rampage killing everybody then his master then himself. Uhhhh yeah I think he's smoking something really strong. Hey kids drugs are bad! But there's no point in me telling that to you little 9 year old girls in short skirts, already prostitutes, have 3 boyfriends, white trash, that probably already have an /excellent/ dealer ;)
On the happy note- here's some yullen fluff to stare at. No matter how many times I've seen this picture I still scream and have a little seizure. If you didn't get even the slightest kick out of that pic then you have some serious medical problems at the base of your spine that cannot be cured unless you go through very painful surgery and a serious of 7 ft long needles right up your ass<3 Thank you for your time thank you for shopping at Stop & Shop. I love you.(That is, unless you are one of the girls whom I've previously described)
Bye bye 88 I don't feel like writing anymore!